Music is integral to our pupils’ lives at Orchard. Music lessons are taught discretely through topics using the Charanga scheme of learning and as a whole school through singing assemblies.
Year 3 and 4 children receive one lesson per week led by a specialist music teacher. They have access to and cover a wide range of instruments over the course of the year.
We pride ourselves on our yearly stunning productions:
Foundation Stage – Christmas
Key Stage One – Christmas
Key Stage Two – Christmas Carol Concert led by Year 5.
Year 3 and 4 – Harvest Production
Year 6 – Summer Production
These are always very well attended by parents and are a highlight of our school year showcasing what wonderful talent we have at Orchard.
We encourage all of our children from Year 2 upwards to uptake private music lessons led by professionals from the company Sound Advice. Children have the opportunity to learn piano, guitar, drums, clarinet, vocal techniques or jsax. These lessons are introduced to the children through exciting launch assemblies!