Pupil Premium
Parents' Information Report on Pupil Premium
The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 based on school census figures for pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) in reception through to Y11. For looked after children the pupil premium was calculated using the Children Looked After Data returns. A premium was also introduced for children whose parents serve in the armed forces. From April 2014, children who have been adopted directly from care will also be eligible for pupil premium. The pupil premium is specifically used by this to address underlying inequalities between children eligible and their peers by ensuring the funding reaches the pupils who need it most.
The pupil premium will be used to provide additional support to improve the progress and raise standard of achievement for these pupils. The funding will be used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers. The headteacher and leadership team regularly monitor and evaluate the strategies in place and report to the governing body.
The school will evaluate the impact on each pupil at the end of each term and set targets. Evaluation will focus on academic gains and how pupils' self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the intervention. The data will be used to compare with previous years to ascertain the effect of pupil premium on outcomes.