SMSC Development Opportunities
Spiritual: We encourage spiritual development during RE lessons, SCARF (PSHE) lessons and by welcoming and accepting the spiritual beliefs of others within our school community. Take Five breathing practices provides children regular times for stillness. As well as regular opportunities to experience stillness, children are encouraged to reflect on, consider and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life through RE lessons. Children also have times to reflect during assemblies. The Year Three and Four children take part in a Harvest Festival which parents/carers are invited to attend.
Moral: We develop moral understanding and problem solving through our school rules and Positive Relationships policy. At Orchard we should: Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe. We feel it is important that children take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others; distinguish between right and wrong and make informed and independent judgements. Drug Alcohol and Resilience Training (DAaRT) takes place in Year Five. Through an annual, whole school Anti-Bullying week, children learn about why bullying is wrong and what to do about it. Through SCARF (PSHE) lessons, children learn about why we have school rules and rules in society, the consequences of breaking rules and how laws are made in the United Kingdom.
Social: We have a wide variety of opportunities for social development in school including: SCARF (PSHE) lessons; Playtime Leaders, OPAL project; Take Five Ambassadors; School Councillors; ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant); a consistent Positive Relationships policy and a restorative approach to supporting children to make good decisions. We ensure all pupils have a voice through an elected school council who have the power to make changes in school. Extra-curricular activities such as clubs, educational visits off site, having visitors in school and residential trips away all support the social development of our pupils. Through an annual themed week around Children’s Mental Health week, we explore our social development. We encourage strong social links through events for Mother’s Day and Father’s day; KS1 Christmas performance; Year Five Christmas carol concert; Year Six summer perforamces; music show case assemblies and Drug Alcohol and Resilience Training (DAaRT) assembly. We develop an understanding of the children’s individual and group identity, learning about how we can help others in the school and wider community. Through support of a variety of charities including the local foodbank, Red Nose Day, Children in Need and Macmillan, we encourage children to understand the need for considering and helping others.
Cultural: The cultural development of our children is encouraged and supported through assemblies; RE lessons; SCARF (PSHE) lessons, understanding different cultures; themed weeks and in welcoming and accepting the cultural beliefs of everyone in our school community. All curriculum areas should seek illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. We recognise, respect and celebrate the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain, and how these influence individuals and society.